What is Fascial Stretch Therapy
Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST) is a specialized form of hands-on practitioner-client assisted stretching treatment that is done on a table. It focuses on the connective tissue system instead of isolated muscle treatments. Therapy begins at the joint capsule and progresses through levels of fascia, which is the thin layer of connective tissue that holds organs, blood vessels, and muscles in place.
FST assists in improving range of motion and the ability to move fluidly, known as kinesthesia, and proprioception, which is the sense of being aware of one's body position, both when still and in motion.
FST Offers Huge Benefits for Health
Improves sports performance
Improves posture and joint health
Easier more naturally movements
Reduces pain and improves flexibility

The goal of FST is to help neural mechanics when movement is not functioning at its best. It can help activate inactive muscles and normalize muscle groups that are hyperactive.
If you’re serious about maintaining an active physical lifestyle and sport active performance, FST can provide a number of benefits for you.

Kinesiology:Kinesiology is the rigorous scientific study of human movement, performance, and function. It incorporates the disciplines of physiology, biomechanics, and anatomy while also considering psychosocial and neuroscience factors.
Registered Kinesiologist :Registered Kinesiologists (R.Kin) use evidence-based research to effectively treat and prevent injury and disease and to optimize movement and performance.​​​

**Covered by Most Extended Healthcare/ Employee Group Benefit Plans**